Using a Bore Sighter to Perfect Your Shot

Recreation & Sports Blog

Whether you are a huntsman by profession or you do it as a hobby, you have to ensure that your rifle is accurately sighted if you expect to make any shots on target. When it comes to hunting game, numerous factors could decrease your ability to make a shot on target. These elements include the strength of the wind, the direction of the wind, your physical state and even whether you are taking the shot uphill or downhill.

5 October 2018

Questions to Ask When Chartering a Fishing Boat

Recreation & Sports Blog

Chartering a fishing boat is a great way to enjoy some time on the water, without having to worry about navigating the boat or finding your way through unfamiliar territory after leaving the shore. If you want to fish, a boat charter can also mean heading right to the areas where you're likely to find the best schools of fish, without wasting hours trolling empty waters. When you are ready to charter a boat, note a few questions to ask before renting, so you know what's involved and that nothing is overlooked while you're on the water.

5 January 2018