Mario Patterson

Tips for Finding Martial Arts Classes to Suit You

Recreation & Sports Blog

It can be challenging to find the right martial arts classes, as there are so many disciplines and places to choose from. To help, here are several tips. Self Defence Thinking about your goals can help you make the right choice when finding martial arts classes. Do you want to learn techniques for practical self-defence, for example? Defining your aim is essential, as you can choose from various disciplines, which can help in various ways.

5 July 2023

5 Compelling Reasons To Take A Self-Defence Class

Recreation & Sports Blog

If you want to feel confident that you can protect yourself and your loved ones, you should consider signing up for a self-defence class. Here are five compelling reasons why you should do just that. 1. You'll learn invaluable skills Of course, the most important reason to take a self-defence class is that you'll learn how to protect yourself if you are threatened or attacked. Self-defence classes cover various topics, from hand-to-hand combat to disarmament techniques to proper personal safety protocol.

20 October 2022

4 Mental Benefits of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Recreation & Sports Blog

What first comes to mind when you consider the benefits of Brazilian jiu-jitsu? Is it increased strength, stamina, or ability to defend yourself? While there are many physical benefits, jiu-jitsu can also be great for your mental health. Whether you're struggling with a specific issue like anxiety or just want to increase your general mental wellbeing, taking Brazilian jiu-jitsu classes is a smart choice. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits.

6 October 2021

Using a Bore Sighter to Perfect Your Shot

Recreation & Sports Blog

Whether you are a huntsman by profession or you do it as a hobby, you have to ensure that your rifle is accurately sighted if you expect to make any shots on target. When it comes to hunting game, numerous factors could decrease your ability to make a shot on target. These elements include the strength of the wind, the direction of the wind, your physical state and even whether you are taking the shot uphill or downhill.

5 October 2018

Questions to Ask When Chartering a Fishing Boat

Recreation & Sports Blog

Chartering a fishing boat is a great way to enjoy some time on the water, without having to worry about navigating the boat or finding your way through unfamiliar territory after leaving the shore. If you want to fish, a boat charter can also mean heading right to the areas where you're likely to find the best schools of fish, without wasting hours trolling empty waters. When you are ready to charter a boat, note a few questions to ask before renting, so you know what's involved and that nothing is overlooked while you're on the water.

5 January 2018

Maintaining Trailer Safety


Trailers come in all shapes and sizes; some provide storage, others provide shelter and facilities for living. However, considerations should be taken in regards to safety, since if precautions are not heeded, it can result in disastrous consequences.   A trailer must be towed by a vehicle capable of towing its weight. As such, before buying one, make sure that your vehicle is fully capable of towing your trailer and preferably can tow more than the actual weight of your trailer.

28 December 2017

6 Safety Checklist Items For Your Boat

Recreation & Sports Blog

It is important for you to conduct a safety check on your boat before the boating season begins. This safety check will enable you to correct any defects in time before your safety is compromised. This article discusses some of the items that you should include on the safety equipment checklist that you formulate for inspecting your boat. Flares Flares have a lifespan of a few years. Your checklist should include checking those flares so that you can confirm that they haven't expired.

18 December 2017

Firearms and Your Child: Safety Tips When You Have a New Firearm in the Home

Recreation & Sports Blog

With around 2.6 million registered firearms throughout Australia, there's no doubt that many homes have both firearms and children. Whilst many children have grown up with firearms in the home and have been taught all about safety around firearms, parents with new firearms in the home may not have put these practises into effect yet. When it comes to firearm safety with children, the right time to start is right now. Here's what you should know about keeping your children safe whilst a firearm is in the home.

8 December 2017

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Synthetic Grass Tennis Courts

Recreation & Sports Blog

Many schools and hotels nowadays prefer synthetic grass tennis courts. This is because of their beauty, ease of installation and because they are durable. However, depending on your budget and number of courts you want, they can be costly to purchase, although their maintenance is relatively cheap. You should avoid any shortcuts since this will affect the quality of the tennis court. Below are some of the mistakes that you should avoid when cleaning synthetic grass tennis courts:

20 November 2017